so, as you probably know from following this blog, I'm not too great at running a label. since the last post here, we've released and sold out of a number of releases. so, too bad for you if you missed those.
fortunately, we're still doing lots of other junk. coming up hopefully later this week is SPR-010: k.d.t's "old friends of mine." this is very different from what we've released in the past. six tracks of short piano instrumentals. actually pretty good. limited edition preorder versions have already been distributed and the standard edition will be officially available very soon. somehow this is a big top seller for us. who knew?
we have a ton more stuff planned as well but I wanna get this k.d.t thing out before I start making any big announcement types. also we're looking in to getting more of a partnership going with Fort Eric so hopefully we can just really start churning the garbage out for you to receive.
oh and also, we have a few copies of the tapes made by our acquaintance at You'll Never Catch Me Tapes. pretty enjoyable live performances by Heavenly Queen (HA HA #1) and Magic City (HA HA #2). if you missed out on either of those band's now sold out debut releases, you can hear them almost as nicely on these live tapes. one's white and the other's purple. five bucks each.
i think that's it. check back soon for more, or maybe i'll forget about the existence of this blog for another six months. we'll see.
as always, feel free to contact us at somethingpushedrecords(at)gmail(dot)com for your bad music needs.
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